Needle-Free & Pain Free:

The AllerEx Allergy Test is the new way of percutaneous testing that is completely needle free and safe practically for everyone.

  1. There are 72-Tests (including high and low controls) on each panel.
  2. The back is cleaned with alcohol to remove any dirt or oil from the skin.
  3. Make sure the patient has not taken any allergy medication for the past seven days (will give false negatives and interfere with results)
  4. Wait 15 – 20 minutes for the reaction to set in and flares (red) and/or wheals(white) to form.
  5. Measure the flares and wheals then compare them to the "positive control".
  6. Record any results on the AllerEx Test Report From; apply soothing cream to back
  7. Prescribe AllerEx treatment if needed

Call today and let us put you in touch with a qualified doctor who can perform the test, analyze the results and guide you in the direction of any treatment. It’s about time that you started feeling better. We can help.